Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bridge Sonnet

Each road’s another story:  paved or gravel-
Roughed or leveled, mud or dirt,
always life extending ridge to ridge;
Down one of them I came upon a bridge
Across a valley’s hidden hurt,
of bolted metal topped with graded gravel
Stretched from bank to bank across a river.
If not for journeys of my own
I would take time to learn the river’s song,
The something pushing pulling it along;
instead I turn to what is known:
The road that takes my path across the river.

God grant me all the power I have to travel
through the shadows of each vale,
Look after me God, bless my soul, deliver
My heart my weary way from ridge to ridge
and road to road, and with each tale to tell
Apply me steadfast to the grinding gravel
But lead me not into the mystic river
of unknown sources heavened or helled
And let me walk instead across this bridge.

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